
Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet


A bouquet of delicate Peony and Rose notes honed by the freshness of Calabrian Bergamot and adorned with a lacework of White Musks. This floral bouquet pays homage to Christian Dior's legendary passion for flowers. Calabrian Bergamot brings its radiance to the top notes. At its heart lies the tenderness of a Peony and Damascus Rose accord. The base notes are adorned with a lacework of White Musks. A spring-like floral signature. 1947: Miss Dior, the Couture fragrance, was born in a burst of life, to incarnate the revolutionary silhouette of the New Look and evoke the sensuality of its inspiring curves in scent. Since then, the house of Dior has known many a revolution and Miss Dior has accompanied them all. At full speed, without losing any of her fervor or her Couture soul.
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Collection point
Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas - T4,Terminal 4, Floor 1, Departures/Arrivals (Gates H, J)
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